Friday, December 7, 2007

Why Isn't Lost Back Yet?

I can only watch Jack and Locke's epic climactic halfway-point showdown and hear drunken bearded future-Jack yell at cleanfaced future Kate, like a soul cursed to hell yelling at his mournful guardian angel, "We have to go back, Kate! We have to go back!" for so much longer before I implode.
I don't think the question has been properly asked yet - is this the best scene in TV history? The twist, the mystery, the broken dreams, the way in which the scene seems to invalidate the entire purpose of the show to this date, and then, as the music rises, an airplane, the defining symbol of our terror-stricken age, rises behind Jack, mocking him, inviting him. It's like the island is calling to Jack, and to us, "Come back to me. You know you want to." I do. I do.

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